Film Synopsis: Drinking from the Well captures the real lives of Ugandan youth struggling to create a positive future in an environment that tests every ability to survive. Nabulagala, the Kampala slum where they live, is populated with broken lives, crumbling homes, and bleak prospects. The sun’s heat suppresses emotion. Dust from the red clay cakes every surface. Malaria-carrying mosquitoes jab at unprotected skin. Homemade alcohol, glue, and other drugs, substances that offer a brief reprieve from the misery, have turned people into empty shells that occupy the shadows of this slum. Day in and day out, the next generation of Kampalans must surmount these obstacles in order to begin thinking, dreaming and hoping about the future. Somehow, Happy, Shamirah, B-Start, Kenny and Jajanelly, have done much more than this. Under the umbrella of the Amagezi Gemaanyi Youth Association (AGYA), a community center where they live, these five have united to push against the odds and forge a future rich with possibility.
The film's anticipated release date is Summer 2012. Check out the trailer here and visit DFTW's Facebook Page!
Drinking From The Well Trailer from One Hand Clapping Pictures on Vimeo.